The regional manager of KimMed, Henk Stolk, rubbished the claims, stating that all protocols were followed when the patient was admitted.
KIMMED Hospital in Kimberley confirmed on Monday that a patient who tested positive for the coronavirus had been transferred to Mediclinic Gariep.
This follows concerns from city residents who said that KimMed was not equipped to deal with patients who need to be isolated.
The regional manager of KimMed, Henk Stolk, rubbished the claims, stating that all protocols were followed when the patient was admitted.
“This was a psychiatric patient, not a mentally-ill or a drug-related patient. The patient was isolated in a private room, which has its own bathroom, in order to ensure he does not come into contact with other patients. There were some health care workers who were hesitant to work with the patient, but those who did assist the patient were provided with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) when they attended to the patient. None of the staff were in any way forced to work with the patient. We followed all stipulated protocol on how to assist the patient during his stay with us,” said Stolk.
He said the facility also ensured that all personnel were tested.
“We have 50 personnel members and all of them were tested. All their tests came back negative. We managed to get the bulk of the tests back speedily even though the laboratory was inundated with tests. The first tests we received were all negative and the few we received yesterday were also negative,” he said.
Stolk also dismissed claims that personnel were informed about the results of their tests via social media.
“There were some personnel who had already knocked-off from work when the results came back. I personally called each one of those who were at home and told them their results telephonically. The test results are private and sensitive and one cannot reveal such information on a social media group. The reason the personnel were contacted telephonically was because some live far from the hospital and would have had to take public transport to get to the hospital. We also were concerned about their families and the fact that they were stressed about the tests.”
He added that the room where the positive patient was admitted had been sanitised.
“We deep-cleaned and sanitised the room as per the protocol of the department. The room is currently empty. There are also no patients in that wing of the hospital.”
Stolk said they were reprimanded by the provincial Department of Health for confirming that one of their patients had tested positive for Covid-19.
“We were informed by the department that all Covid-19 positive cases had to be announced first by the Minister of Health. We, however, did not announce it to create panic but because we were concerned about our staff and other health care workers affiliated to us,” said Stolk.
He said that they have installed stricter measures at the hospital.
“We do not admit any patient if we now do not know his Covid-19 status. We also do not allow any visitors at the hospital. Our staff only use one entrance and are screened daily. We do not have any patients currently who are positive for Covid-19.”