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Morgan Freeman gives prominence to Mental Health and Substance abuse awareness in a new film


Another gripping and tear-jerking tale with the iconic actor Morgan Freeman at the helm is in the cinemas, shining light on different and thought-provoking life themes.

Morgan Freeman

ANOTHER gripping and tear-jerking tale with the iconic actor Morgan Freeman at the helm is in the cinemas, shining light on different and thought-provoking life themes.

“A good person” tackles challenging themes of grief, substance abuse and mental health awareness, and family struggles.

In this movie different characters find themselves amending their lives after a fatal accident involving their loved ones transforms their lives forever.

Florence Pugh portrays the role of Allison who takes viewers on an emotional train as her life turns over from being flawless to facing a horror drug addiction after a fatal accident.

Allison finds it difficult to piece her life together as the day of the accident haunts her.

Vasthila Bissessar who watched the movie with her husband Ramesh commented pointing out essential themes of the movie.

“We always have this thing of wanting life to be and it’s anything but perfect. And I think what is so important in the movie is that you learn with all the curve balls life throws at you, you can be justified in your anger, hate, unforgiveness, and pain.

“Like Morgan Freeman’s character, I mean there is nothing more painful than losing a child but he rose above the pain to reach out to somebody else who he saw as the cause of his pain. But reaching out to them helped him take a step out of his darkness.”

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