A look at Kimberley Golf Club results for the week of August 7 to 10.
Kimberley Golf Club results for the week of August 7 to 10 are:
Wednesday, August 7: Konica Minolta sponsored BBS
1st: Pete Van Zyl and Ian Kidson (46 pts)
2nd: Jason Barnes and James Stander (43 pts)
3rd: Wikus Kok and Gerhard Delport (42 pts)
4th: Jacques Gouws and Stephan Van Heerden (42 pts) c/o
Thursday, August 8: KWV sponsored Niner
1st: Ant Crozier (24 pts)
2nd: Sadick Thomas (24pts)
3rd: Shane Arthur (23pts)
Friday, August 9: Frances Baard Cricket Association Golf Day
Saturday, August 10: Club sponsored BBS
1st: Justin Potgieter and Susan Ferreira (47 pts)
2nd: Susan Alexander and Sandra Nel (46 pts)
3rd: Fritz Van Dyk and Jock Robey (46 pts)
Look Ahead
To stay in touch with all the upcoming events at the Kimberley Golf Club, please visit this link www.kimberleygc.co.za/schedule.