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What’s happening at the KGC


The results from the Kimberley Golf Club for the week of August 22-28, and the schedule for September 2-12.

File Picture: Shaun Roy, BackpagePix

THE RESULTS from the Kimberley Golf Club for the week of August 22-28 are as follows:

The Wednesday John Dory sponsored IPS competition was won by Willie Delport on 42 pts with Ian Kidson 2nd on a count-out on 40 pts over Jason Barnes in 3rd place.

The Thursday KWV sponsored Niner was won by Luchman Poonawassy on 26 pts with Ant Crozier 2nd on 23 pts and Braam Botes 3rd on a count-out of 22 pts.

The GWRU golf day was another success. The Corporate Day Scramble Drive BBS competition was won by Neville Alexander and Kevin Antill on an outstanding score of 52 pts, closely followed by Joanie and Johan Herselman on 51 pts. Third was W Duvenhage and D Fourie on a count-out 49 pts.

The Saturday COST Day was won by Jacques Gouws on a magnificent 67 gross, 46 pts. 2nd, also a career best was Hennie Spanenberg on 44 pts followed by Donald Whitebooi on 38 pts.

The following is planned for September 2-12:

• Players, please note that you must putt out in a competition else your score will not count.

Today: GWK Farmers Cup. Closed competition.

Tomorrow: Horseshoe, Airport Hotel and Kalahari Lodge Medal/IPS competition.

Sunday, September 4: Junior Competition and special rates for all players.

Tuesday, September 6: Social golf with special rates applying.

Wednesday, September 7: DARSHA sponsored IPS competition.

Thursday, September 8: The KWV sponsored Niner with a special rate of R150 for a golf cart.

Friday, September 9: St Patrick’s 125th Celebratory Golf Day at R450 per player. When booking, please give your shirt size in at the Golf Shop.

Saturday, September 10: Presidents Golf Day sponsored by Beefmaster, the weekly Charlies outing.

Sunday, September 11: Social golf with special rates.

Monday, September 12: Course closed as usual but remember the office is open for business.

• Bookings for the annual Barney Barnato tournament are also open with the entry form published on the KGC website. Once booked and paid please send the club proof of payment so that the booking can be reserved.

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