13.8 C
Mon, Jun 17, 2024

Appointment of new public protector postponed

A venue could not be found and some MPs will be out of Cape Town carrying out parliamentary work on September 21.THE appointment of...

South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas...

“Mozambique is up and running, Namibia is up and running, South Africa wake up!”SOUTH Africa needed a “war room” to boost its oil and...

SIU wants National Treasury’s R822 million tender canned

The Special Investigating Unit has called for the scrapping of a contract by National Treasury with a technology company that has cost the treasury...

SABC lost R1.1 billion in last financial year, Parliament hears

The SABC’s revenue is in rapid decline, with the state broadcaster recording losses of R1.1 billion in the last financial year.STATE broadcaster SABC recorded...

Ramaphosa meets with unions in midst of cash crisis

President Cyril Ramaphosa said they agreed to work together with the unions to create jobs and remove obstacles to allow for the economy to...

Pregnant woman found hanging in hospital bathroom

The Gauteng Department of Health has confirmed that a 25-year-old woman, who was seven months pregnant, was found hanged in a hospital bathroom. A...

FBI and SAPS trace suspect after American couple kidnapped and robbed

A 36-year-old man has been arrested at KaNyamazane, outside Nelspruit, for the kidnapping and robbery of an American couple who were heading to the...

Weather forecast promises a mixed bag of conditions

South Africans continue to grin and bear through the cold weather as winds and rain batter cities and while we cannot predict the weather,...

Illness of accused number five delays Meyiwa murder trial

The Senzo Meyiwa murder trial was hit with a delay in proceedings as the fifth accused cited deteriorating health in court.JOHANNESBURG - The Senzo...

Ramaphosa fires Mkhwebane after Parliament vote

President Cyril Ramaphosa has removed Busisiwe Mkhwebane from office and informed her of the decision in Parliament where the majority of MPs voted for...

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South Africa’s real influencers: Meet the women behind our most powerful...

Let's take a look at the wives of some of South Africa’s most prominent politicians.Nompumelelo Ntuli: Married in 2008, Ntuli has three children...
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