SPAR Inland is encouraging community members through its #SpreadSmiles campaign to bring happiness and positivity to others.
SPAR Inland is encouraging community members to become a part of the Smile Squad and #SpreadSmiles campaign by simply sharing a video that brings happiness and positivity to others … and win weekly prizes.
The unique campaign, set to run until October 25, is featuring on various social media platforms, including TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and X (formerly Twitter), with a firm belief that everyone could use a little kindness right now.
Winners will receive a R2,000 SPAR shopping voucher just for spreading joy and kindness.
SPAR is leveraging the power of social media to create a wave of positivity through #SpreadSmiles, with the aim of promoting goodwill to support vital causes and positive community changes.
Through the #SpreadSmiles campaign, individuals are able to contribute to education, nutrition and women’s empowerment initiatives, making a valuable impact on the lives of those who need it most while winning weekly prizes.
Maxine D’Amico, promotions and advertising manager at SPAR Inland, said the campaign is a call to action that aims to uplift communities and support those in need.
“In a world that often seems filled with challenges and uncertainties, we want to spread a little love and bring smiles to people’s faces,” said D’Amico.
“At a time when the need for connection and empathy has never been greater, SPAR’s #SpreadSmiles is more than just a hashtag; it’s a call to action that aims to uplift communities and support those in need. Simply search #SpreadSmiles on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, to see how the SPAR Inland Smile Squad is spreading joy and positivity all over socials and all across the country, and then get involved.
“All you have to do is share a video on social media that shows how you have encouraged kindness, spread joy or happiness, or have made a positive change, however small, in your community and to others. You can even just make someone smile with a joke, that should be up to you.
“Upload your video to any social channel, hashtag your favourite SPAR store (for example #SPARFerndale, #SUPERSPARDiepsloot), and use #SpreadSmiles.”
For every time the hashtag #SpreadSmiles is used alongside a video that shows how the participant brings a smile to the face of another, SPAR Inland will donate R10 (per hashtag) to each of four worthy organisations – The Smile Foundation, Susters For Life, READ Educational Trust and Meals on Wheels.
The donations will help them address core social issues surrounding education, nutrition and women empowerment.
Information can be sought at Watch as SPAR Inland tracks how many times the #SpreadSmiles hashtag has been used, or to view a gallery of random acts of kindness taking place across the country.
D’Amico said that winners will be selected weekly from the videos posted and announced on the SPAR Inland Facebook page.
“In the face of the very many challenges South Africans are facing right now, we hope all South Africans will come together to help us #SpreadSmiles.
“Smiles have the power to uplift, inspire and create positive change. The idea is to make a meaningful difference, one smile at a time,” D’Amico concluded.