Home News Sol sets up water points

Sol sets up water points


Water tanks and emergency water supplies will be made available around the city for the duration of the water shutdown this weekend.

Sol Plaatje Municipality will have various water distribution points during the shutdown this weekend. File picture: Soraya Crowie

WATER tanks and emergency water supplies will be made available around the city for the duration of the water shutdown this weekend.

Sol Plaatje Municipality spokesperson Thoko Riet said the water supply at Riverton and Newton reservoirs was switched off on Thursday at 6pm to allow the system to drain.

“Repairs will be done on the pipeline and various sites from Friday until Sunday. Once repairs are completed we will start filling the line for the restoration of water on Monday morning,” said Riet.

She added that emergency water supply arrangements were in place in all wards around the city.

“Roaming trucks will distribute water in all wards, while JoJo tanks have been placed at various strategic points. Dedicated tankers will be made available at school hostels, hospitals and funeral parlours.”

Water will also be available outside police stations and some schools.

Riet added that the fire truck had sufficient water supplies in the event of a fire.

“Trucks have been filled specifically for that purpose only. Ritchie is not affected by the water cuts.”

She requested communities to safeguard the water tanks.

“During previous shutdowns a number of JoJo tanks were vandalised, while some water tankers were vandalised during the water interruption. We appeal to communities to look after these tanks so that services can be delivered.”

Waterworks Road, at the Rogers and Jacobus Smit street intersection, will be closed to traffic from Friday until Monday.

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