Sol Plaatje Municipality has urged all prepaid electricity users to give their support to field team members who have been assigned to update electricity meter boxes in Kimberley.
THE SOL Plaatje Local Municipality has urged all prepaid electricity users to give their support to field team members who have been assigned to update electricity meter boxes in Kimberley.
Municipal spokesperson Thabo Mothibi said all prepaid electricity meter boxes are required to be updated by November 24, 2024.
“South Africa’s Token Identifier (TID) rollover has been in effect since March 2023 and is a standard enhancement project that is being implemented to avoid the token-producing system running out of numbers. The software update is also aimed at eliminating ghost vending. After the November 24, 2024 deadline, prepaid customers who have not done the electricity meter box memory reset or conversion, will not be able to recharge their meters with new tokens and will also be left without power supply,” said Mothibi.
He added that more than 26,000 of the municipality’s prepaid electricity meters have been upgraded so far.
“Since March 2023, a total of 26,381 out of the 60,000 prepaid electricity meters have already been upgraded from KRN1 to KRN2.
“All old tokens must be entered prior to the update being completed. Customers are also informed that their meters will not use more electricity after the update, in that it does not affect the meter calibration.
“The deployment of field teams has also already kicked off. The teams are visiting specific households as per residential area schedule and are making use of a vending system, issuing two update codes bearing 20 digits each that will be included along the usual electricity token.”
Mothibi said residents who may have security concerns can contact the municipality.
“The field teams will carry photo identification and should also display official documentation. Customers are encouraged to call the municipality on 053 830 6488 and 053 830 6565 or Ontec on 082 363 3512, toll-free at 080 006 0038 or Ontec after hours at 021 928 1800 for verification if they have any doubts about the field teams.”
Mothibi added that there is a do-it-yourself (DIY) option available to residents who wish to do the upgrade themselves.
“The municipality’s Commercial Data Validation and Prepayment Meter unit and service provider, Ontec Systems, are embarking on the ‘next vend’, meaning when some of the customers purchase prepaid, they will be issued with an additional token for the update.
“In receiving tokens on ‘next vend’, customers may follow these easy steps to enter the update: Firstly, customers must enter the first 20-digit update code and wait for it to accept. Secondly, customers must enter the second 20-digit update code and wait for it to accept. Thereafter they must enter the usual 20-digit token to recharge units as normal.
“When undertaking DIY and experiencing technical difficulties, customers are encouraged to call the municipality on 053 830 611 or 080 122 9010, or Ontec representatives on 082 363 3512 or Ontec after hours on 021 928 1800,” Mothibi said.