According to the Sol Plaatje Municipality, all libraries in the city are Covid-19 compliant.
KIMBERLEY residents who have been deprived of reading material over the lockdown period can now breathe a sigh of relief after the Sol Plaatje Municipality announced that all libraries in the city have been reopened to the public.
Municipal spokesperson Thoko Riet said on Wednesday that the libraries were, however, open for a limited number of hours per day and only the taking out and returning of books will be allowed.
The following operating hours will apply until further notice:
Africana: Monday to Friday, 8am to 1pm
Beaconsfield: Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm
Galeshewe: Monday to Thursday, 9am to 1pm
Greenpoint: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am to 12 midday and Wednesdays, 10am to 2pm
Hadison Park: Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 12.30pm
Judy Scott: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 9am to 1pm
Kimberley: Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 1.30pm
Sonny Leon: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9am to 1pm
Ubuntu: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9am to 1pm
“The public can only come to the counter to take out books,” Riet said. “As the coronavirus can stay alive for three days on books/paper etc, we will not allow members of the public between the shelves for browsing.”
Library staff have deep-cleaned and sanitised all the shelves and every book.
“If members of the public need anything that is not available on the trollies, the staff will fetch it from the shelves. The books that are returned will be kept in quarantine for three days (72 hours) and sanitised, before being put back into circulation,” said Riet.
As an added precaution, safety screens have also been placed at all library counters and the staff have received the necessary personal protective equipment, including masks, gloves, face shields, etc.
All working stations are also sanitised regularly during the day, while staff and the public are screened when they enter and leave the library buildings.
Meanwhile, Riet added that all municipal parks, halls, caravan parks, resorts, stadiums (for non-contact sport and with no spectators) would also be opened over the coming few weeks but with the strict requirement of no more than 50 people.
“Parks will be monitored and anyone violating the regulations will face the full might of the law. Social distancing must be adhered to at all times at the halls and the numbers also have to be limited to a maximum of 50 people.”
Municipal swimming pools will be opened from September 21, but also with the necessary Covid-19 restrictions.