Home News Pupils protest lack of teachers

Pupils protest lack of teachers


“One additional teacher has already been approved and has started at the school and the second additional teacher is up for consideration and approval.”

PUPILS at Dikgatlong High School in Delportshoop were dismissed early yesterday after they staged a protest due to a shortage of teachers.

Rubbish drums were upturned and tyres were set alight inside the school grounds.

A number of teachers reportedly left the school last year and the positions have not yet been filled.

Community members stated that since the start of the school year, pupils have been without supervision and as certain classes are not being offered as there are no teachers.

The spokesperson for the Northern Cape Department of Education, Lehuma Ntuane, confirmed that the principal at Dikgatlong High School had to dismiss the school following a protest staged by the pupils.

“The school made a request for two more teachers in addition to the complement of 19 teachers who are already on the staff establishment of the school. These two additional posts are to fulfil the curriculum needs of the school,” said Ntuane.

“One additional teacher has already been approved and has started at the school and the second additional teacher is up for consideration and approval.”

Ntuane added that the additional teachers would be offering Mathematics in Grade 8 and 9 as well as Mathematical Literacy in Grade 10.

“It is the responsibility of the school principal to dismiss the school in the event of a possible protest or any disruption at the school.

“Our district officials are in constant contact with the school to ensure that teaching and learning resumes as soon as possible.”

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