Home News Protesters shut down roads in Greenpoint

Protesters shut down roads in Greenpoint


Roads in Greenpoint were obstructed with branches, burning tyres and rocks on January 23 due to unhappiness over the local councillor as well as general service delivery complaints.

Greenpoint residents closed off Dutch Reform Road with rubble and burning tyres in an attempt to highlight service delivery issues. Picture: Soraya Crowie

ROADS in Greenpoint were obstructed with branches, burning tyres and rocks on January 23 due to unhappiness over the local councillor as well as general service delivery complaints.

A large crowd of disgruntled protesters was steered away from the N8 by the police into the suburbs during the early hours of Monday morning.

Greenpoint residents closed off Dutch Reform Road with rubble and burning tyres in an attempt to highlight service delivery issues. Picture: Soraya Crowie

Pockets of protesters were scattered throughout the residential area and traffic was obstructed.

Protesters lashed out at the ANC councillor, who they accused of never calling any community meetings.

“He has never introduced the ward committee and only ran one community project. He was supposed to establish job creation projects and be active in the community. We were swayed into voting for him because we thought this is the guy who is making us many promises. He was the one living in a nice house and driving a luxury car. Now he is nowhere to be found. After he was elected he told us that he was too busy with the ANC national elective conference and we feel that that is not our problem.

“We don’t want officials sitting in fancy offices who are far removed from the people who put them into power.”

Greenpoint residents closed off Dutch Reform Road with rubble and burning tyres in an attempt to highlight service delivery issues. Picture: Soraya Crowie

The community members added that the roads were riddled with potholes, while they were suffering from water shortages, sewage leaks and a high rate of youth unemployment.

“The police and ambulances aren’t able to navigate through our roads that are in an atrocious condition. There is no development in the area and the youth are turning to drugs as they have no jobs.”

Community members indicated that a memorandum was handed over to the mayor and Speaker’s offices two weeks ago.

“The seven days that were given to provide us with a response expired a long time ago. We are fed up and will intensify protest action until our grievances are addressed. We want the mayor to speak to us and if he can’t help us the Premier must listen to our concerns, failing which we will close down the N8 road again in order to draw the attention of the president. .”

Comment is still awaited from the Office of the Mayor.

Greenpoint residents closed off Dutch Reform Road with rubble and burning tyres in an attempt to highlight service delivery issues. Picture: Soraya Crowie

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