Project Phoenix, in partnership with the Northern Cape Theatre, will present an innovative theatre production called ‘Phoenix – the Rise and Fall’ in Kimberley tomorrow.
PROJECT Phoenix, in partnership with the Northern Cape Theatre, will present an innovative theatre production called ‘Phoenix – the Rise and Fall’ in Kimberley tomorrow.
‘Phoenix’ follows the journey of five women who find themselves trapped in a realm of transition. In order to fully transcend, they need to confront who they have chosen to become.
“Told in a choreo-poetic style with originally composed music, these women are on a journey to challenge their own biases and exercise the last available hope before setting their spirits free.”
The theatre production is directed by the talented Sizakele Mdi with an exciting local cast featuring Boipelo Mokaila, Zandile Lucas, Naledi Toloane, Winnie Selemogo and Tlotlo Bosman.
An original script is developed by the ensemble, under the mentorship of acclaimed writer-actor Jane Mpholo. Produced by theatremaker Heloïne Armstrong.
There will be two showings of the production tomorrow, starting at 3pm and 6pm.
Tickets cost R100 and are available at the door at the Northern Cape Theatre or purchased from Thapelo Tshite at 078 534 6530.