Tremaine Seekoei is one of 32 women from Kimberley, Ritchie and Barkly West that graduated on Wednesday afternoon from the Godishanang Empowerment Programme.
TREMAINE Seekoei is one of 32 women from Kimberley, Ritchie and Barkly West that graduated on Wednesday afternoon from the Godishanang Empowerment Programme.
The programme is a gender equity and empowerment initiative focused on supporting women survivors of gender-based violence. Godishanang, meaning “build each other”, has been running for four years and the point of departure of the programme is that everybody has the ability to learn.
During the graduation ceremony, Tremain recited a poem that inspired so many at the event. Her words meant so much to all the women there that they needed to be heard by many.
Who am I?
Life is formed inside my womb.
I carry life.
With the strength to endure tremendous ache and pain,
I birth life.
I nurture life.
I cleanse life.
I love life.
I am woman.
Through years of oppression, my male counterparts have tried to convince me that I am less than.
They’ve tried to convince me that I am less than a truth they know well I am.
Went so far as to alter the “Holy Book of Life”.
Yet despite the lies, I continue to rise.
Trying to get me down.
Dying to steal my crown.
Yet one thing remains,
The truth.
The truth always prevails.
Who am I?
Life is formed inside my womb.
I carry life.
With the strength to endure tremendous ache and pain,
I birth life.
I nurture life.
I cleanse life.
I love life.
I am woman.