Home News Fund allocates student bursaries

Fund allocates student bursaries


“When we evaluate the applicants we consider amongst other criterion the applicant’s performance, their financial need and the communities’ need of the chosen professions.”

THE SOUTH African National Zakaat Fund has allocated a total of 32 bursaries to financially and academically deserving students in the Kimberly area.

The value of the bursaries is R440 000 and includes students who fall under the Kimberley Office which covers the Northern Cape, Free State and part of the North West provinces, including African, Indian, Malay/coloured students whilst three students of foreign descent were also assisted.

Aslam Mxolisi Tawana, chairman of the Northern Cape Zakaat Fund, said yesterday that over the years there had been a steady increase in the allocation of bursaries to African students.

“Students who are supported are registered for various courses from Actuarial Sciences, Law, Engineering, Accounting, Business Management, Agricultural Sciences to Computer Sciences to Project Management, to mention but a few.

“When we evaluate the applicants we consider amongst other criterion the applicant’s performance, their financial need and the communities’ need of the chosen professions.”

Tawana added that in addition, as part of its SEED programme, SANZAF has also supported the Lesedi Early Childhood Development Centre in Galeshewe as well as Khairul Madaaris Darul Uloom Kimberley (an institution that trains Islamic theologians).

“The organisation has for the past 45 years been involved in various charity activities amongst Muslims in South Africa. In the last 25 years, the organisation identified a need to assist students who were studying for their tertiary education but struggling to afford fees for their studies.

“The bursary scheme was then started from humble beginnings. Over the years the bursary scheme has grown in leaps and bounds. The fund currently stands at approximately R21 million and is assisting about 915 students with their tertiary education.

“In recent years the bursary scheme was rebranded as SEED (SANZAF Education and Empowerment Development) and it broadened its scope to also include support to early childhood development centres as well as Islamic Theology Training Institutions.

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