Local government departments were also instructed to pay municipalities for services rendered and settle their arrears so that municipalities can accelerate service delivery
THE ANC in the Northern Cape has taken a fierce stance against corruption, which has seen the firing of a councillor in the Dawid Kruiper Municipality following allegations of corruption and bribery.
ANC provincial secretary Dehsi Ngxanga said yesterday that the party “has learnt with serious dismay and disappointment of the behaviour of the councillor at the Dawid Kruiper Municipality, as a public representative, who is allegedly entangled in issues of corruption and bribery.
“We believe that fraud and corruption only develop the pockets of those pushing this criminality and robs communities of access to developmental programmes that will make their lives better,” Ngxanga added.
He pointed out that the party considered this matter in a serious light as the provincial chairperson, Dr Zamani Saul, had decried the state of corruption in local municipalities.
“The ANC, therefore, requests the specific councillor to tender his resignation within 24 hours from the time this statement is issued. The ANC will institute disciplinary action against the councillor for bringing the name of the ANC into disrepute. We further request the law enforcement to continue with their mandate and set an example.”
Ngxanga added that the ANC in the Province called on its deployees to adhere to the call made by the provincial chairperson on combating crime and corruption.
The action taken by the party comes shortly after its Provincial Executive Council Lekgotla held in Kimberley earlier this week.
The theme of the lekgotla was: “The year of unity, socio economic renewal and nation building”.
In a statement issued after the lekgotla, Ngxanga said that the Province had been declared a catalytic to eradicate informal settlements through building more than 50 000 houses, which is the current backlog.
“Given the challenges of the ailing infrastructure, the provincial chairperson renewed his commitment of approaching the Development Bank of Southern Africa for funding of bulk infrastructure.”
It was also resolved that the premier would in due course pronounce that public servants are prohibited from doing business with the government at all levels.
‘There is a need to conduct service delivery status reports by April for preparation of 2021 local elections so that we ensure that our forthcoming budget assists us to strengthen our service delivery drive. This report should also be able to help us identify hot spots and respond to challenges raised,” the statement added.
Municipalities will also look at opportunities of generating alternative energy supply to support businesses and save the economy during load shedding.
Local government departments were also instructed to pay municipalities for services rendered and settle their arrears so that municipalities can accelerate service delivery.
“The ANC in the Province will continue to vigorously oppose the wrong and self-serving suggestion that racism and racial discrimination are no longer among our challenges. Hence, we condemn the stance of the De Klerk Foundation decrying that apartheid was not a crime against humanity. We need to assert the fact that South Africa is a democratic African country with an identity other than that imposed by colonialism and apartheid,” Ngxanga added.
“The PEC collective of the ANC is highly satisfied and pleased with the outcomes of the lekgotla, which was hugely successful. What is only left is to continue keeping our eyes on the ball to accelerate service delivery in all our communities in the Province.”