Home News Acting officials’ contracts extended

Acting officials’ contracts extended


Questions were also raised by the party whether the two officials were receiving allowances from the Sol Plaatje Municipality

THE THREE-month contracts of the acting municipal manager, Thami Mabija, and the acting chief financial officer, Zahid Cader, have been extended for a further three months.

The contracts of the two top officials expired on January 15 and the renewal was discussed at the Sol Plaatje special city council meeting yesterday.

The extension of their contracts was proposed by the executive mayor, Patrick Mabilo.

The EFF opposed the recommendation, with councillor Francis Thulo pointing out that the council should not select someone from outside the organisation but rather two of its own directors to act in the positions.


The DA, however, threw its weight behind the recommendation, pointing out that the auditor-general had highlighted the fact that one of the problems at the municipality was the instability of its leaders.

“This is why the municipality is in tatters.”

Questions were also raised by the party whether the two officials were receiving allowances from the Sol Plaatje Municipality.

Phillip Vorster from the DA questioned what processes were being put in place so that the council did not have to appoint someone every three months. “We are just killing fires all the time. We need to put processes in place to resolve this problem. For almost two years now we have been fighting about this.”

Mabilo pointed out that Vorster was raising a contentious issue in which the question of instability was being raised.

“This matter is being handled with the purpose of having a long-lasting solution,” he stated. “We cannot have people acting all the time but we are busy with this matter and are giving it due priority.”

“You talk about a long-term solution, but no one is saying when, how or by whom this solution is being implemented,” Vorster stated.

ANC chief whip Charles Ngoma added that the mayor had “made it clear that within three months he will make a decision to bring stability to this institution”.

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