Home Lifestyle Lifestyle and Leisure WATCH: How the ‘world’s fattest child’ lost over 100kg

WATCH: How the ‘world’s fattest child’ lost over 100kg

Arya Permana used to weigh 193 kilograms. Picture: YouTube screengrab
A 14-year-old boy was once dubbed as the “world’s fattest child”. Now, after losing 110 kg, he has transformed incredibly.

Arya Permana used to weigh 193 kilograms. Now after losing more than a 100kg, he weighs 83kg.

At just ten years old, the youngster was barely able to walk, had to be home-schooled and was forced to bathe in an outdoor pond.

The man behind Arya’s transformation is Ade Rai, a bodybuilder from Indonesia. He was the one who posted the transformation video of Arya whom he met for the first time in 2016.

The footage captures Arya’s early days at the gym, when he was just 10-years-old. It eventually showed how he transformed and was able to lift weights.

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Fitnessmania, ketika pertama kali bertemu aria di berat hampir 200 kg yang lalu, saya sempat bertanya, “aria, cita-cita nya kalau sudah besar mau jadi apa?”, “mau jadi pemain bola!”…. tidak pernah membayangkan, satu setengah tahun kemudian, bisa menyaksikan aria bermain bola layaknya seperti anak-anak kebanyakan seumurannya… mengingat saat itu, di rumah sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung ketika saya menjenguknya, sekedar berdiri atau berjalan saja tingkat kesulitannya sudah begitu tinggi… Terus semangat ya aria… jangan berhenti di sini, terus rajin berolahraga dan mengatur pola makan nya ya… 👏 Fitnessmania sekali lagi tidak boleh salah paham .. aria kurus bukan karena saya. Saya hanya ‘cheerleader’ bagi aria untuk mau terus bergerak, itu saja sebenarnya he3 .. Keberhasilan ini murni karena indahnya sebuah kolaborasi dunia KEDOKTERAN (kesembuhan) dan KEBUGARAN (kesehatan) berSUA dalam sebuah kasus OBESITAS … seorang anak bernama @ariaperrmana91 , usia 10 th dg berat 192kg dalam jangka waktu kurang lebih 2 tahun menjadi 96 kg… 🙏 TANPA semangat aria yang bercita-cita menjadi pemain bola, sehingga mau terus bergerak, dan dukungan serta kecintaan tiada henti orang tua dan keluarga terhadapnya… dan tentunya dukungan moril masyarakat di indonesia, termasuk teman-teman di sosial media… TIDAK memungkinkan hal ini bisa terjadi ya Fitnessmania… Semoga menjadi contoh BAIK bagi kita semua bahwa sebuah ITIKAD mulia dan USAHA yang keras, konsekuensinya selalu sejalan dengan HASIL yang kita harapkan … 🙏 #ariapermana #motivation #inspiration #inspied #inspirit #fatloss #healthy #fitness #kids #soccer #player #liverpool #youwillneverwalkalone #wellbeing #alliswell

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Talking to Jakarta Post, Ade said, “I only support him. He likes sports. When he was still very fat he liked soccer. The kind of support that I can give him is to share with his parents about the importance of keeping to a good diet and their motivation to support Arya.”

Despite Arya’s parents’ attempts to reduce his diet and introduce healthier food, the boy remained overweight. 

The family agreed that the only option was to put him through gastric bypass surgery, realising his life was more at risk if they refused it.

Arya reportedly became the youngest person ever to undergo a gastric-sleeve operation.

The procedure – along with a strict diet of grilled fish and vegetables – helped the teenager lose a remarkable 234lbs (106kg), with him now weighing 189lbs (85.8kg).

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