Home Lifestyle In Singapore, it’s illegal to be naked in your hotel room

In Singapore, it’s illegal to be naked in your hotel room


You’d think that this is maybe the best time to ‘let loose’ of that tight bra or underpants that’s been sucking the life out of you, but not in Singapore.

If you are seen naked by the public in Singapore, you will be fined and or sentenced to jail. Picture: Unsplash

SO BEING naked can land you in jail. Although guests like to relax more than they would in their homes, especially when on holiday or on their honeymoon.

In Singapore, it’s illegal to be naked in your hotel room, according to reports, if you are to be seen or “caught” naked in your hotel room you will be fined.

If someone reports you, you could get a $2,000 (about R36,000) fine, or spend three months in jail.

While it may seem wild and unnecessary to the rest of us, it’s the norm under the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act (Mopona) as it’s considered “obscene and lewd“.

Therefore it’s important to keep curtains closed when you want to free the willy. According to “US Sun”, a man was fined $2,600 after he was spotted naked in his own flat. The neighbours reported the incident.

Get this, there are other ways that can land you in hot water too, such as chewing gum, feeding wild animals, and stealing someone’s wi-fi – it’s tough!

And leave your vapes at home, this is not allowed either. Singapore isn’t the only country banning it, more than 35 other countries have strict rules banning it.

Do your research before choosing your holiday destination, the last thing you want is jail time.

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