20.2 C
Sun, Jun 16, 2024

WATCH: Man munches on sour food to show how Covid-19 affects...

Russell Donnelly made a TikTok video of himself consuming a raw onion, mustard sauce, sardines, lemon juice and other foods with a strong taste.The...

Coronavirus is “ending” claims Trump as infections spike

Over the past week, the nation has suffered a 20 percent increase in new diagnosed cases, a 13% rise in hospitalizations and an 11...

Sony cuts PlayStation 5 forecast by 4 million units due to...

Sony Corp has come up against manufacturing issues which have cut into its ability to produce as many consoles as it wishes.INTERNATIONAL - Sony...

Wildfires destroy 5 Oregon towns

An unprecedented spate of fierce, wind-driven wildfires in Oregon have all but destroyed five small towns, leaving a potentially high death toll in their...

Botswana hangs two men who murdered women, drawing mixed reaction on...

Botswana on Monday hanged two men convicted of murdering two women after they lost their appeals in the High Court of AppealTWO MEN convicted...

“I have failed”: Kim Jong Un shows tearful side in confronting...

Speaking at a military parade on Saturday, Kim blamed North Korea's continuing economic hardships on international sanctions, the coronavirus crisis and a series of...

Study finds coronavirus can last 28 days on banknotes, glass and...

"It really reinforces the importance of washing hands and sanitising where possible and certainly wiping down surfaces that may be in contact with the...

59 bodies found in secret graves in Mexico state

At least 10 of the corpses were women and most of the bodies belonged to very young people, even teenagers.Mexico City - The remains...

‘They needed people’ – Brazil volunteers step up to test Covid-19...

"You need to make the most of those who are healthy, those who are able to tick all the boxes needed to participate in the tests"

Woolly mammoth skeleton found in lake in Russia’s Arctic

The adult woolly mammoth roamed the earth at least 10 000 years ago.

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South Africa’s real influencers: Meet the women behind our most powerful...

Let's take a look at the wives of some of South Africa’s most prominent politicians.Nompumelelo Ntuli: Married in 2008, Ntuli has three children...
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